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J. Intell. Syst. Appl.
E-ISSN: 2667-6893

  • Original research articles and letters to the editor are welcome. Review articles will be welcome by experts who are invited by the editor only. The editor-in-chief can change the manuscript type after the manuscript submission.

  • The total number of pages (including all its content, references, figures, tables, etc.) must not exceed the page limits of 10 for research articles, 4 for letters, and 15 for review articles. Otherwise, the authors will be charged 100 euros per page for extra pages.

  • Papers must be written in the English Language. Papers should also include an appropriate title, abstract, and keywords in Turkish. If authors are not able to add these Turkish contents, the editorial will help the authors by charging a fixed fee of 50 euros.

  • Manuscripts that are not prepared using the template will not be considered for publication. Manuscripts must be prepared and submitted in our LaTeX format. The citations should be given via “cite” command during the preparation of LaTeX file, not given in square brackets manually.

  • It is not necessary to hide names and addresses through the paper. Even many journals do not use the blind review method. Besides, we trust our reviewers at all since they are older than 5 :).

  • Manuscript Latex Template
  • Copyright Transfer Form

  • All articles should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections as appropriate. Principal sections should be numbered consecutively (1. Introduction, 2. Materials and methods, etc.) and subsections should be numbered 1.1., 1.2., etc. Do not number the Acknowledgements or References sections.

  • Title and contact information: The first page should contain the full title in sentence case (e.g., Computer-assisted Cobb angle measurement from posteroanterior radiographs by a curve fitting method), the full names (last names fully capitalized) and affiliations of all authors in English (Department, University, City, Country), the ORCID iDs of all authors, e-mail adresses, and the the clearly identified corresponding author. Only one corresponding author is permitted per manuscript. Title, abstract, and keywords must also be given in Turkish. If authors cannot determine these in Turkish, editorial board will help the authors to translate it.

  • Abstract: The abstract should provide clear information about the research and the results obtained and should not exceed 300 words. It should not contain citations. Abstracts of review articles should be a brief overview of the main points from the review.

  • Key words: Please provide a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 key words or phrases to enable retrieval and indexing. Only the first letter of the first key word should begin with a capital letter; the other key words should be written in lower case. Please do not put a period at the end of the list of key words. Acronyms should be avoided. Key words should not be a virtual copy of the title.

  • Acknowledgments/disclaimers/conflict of interest, if any: Please include any necessary acknowledgments or disclaimers here. Names of funding organizations should be written in full. All authors should also disclose any conflict of interest that may have influenced either the conduct or the presentation of the research.

  • Informed Consent: Manuscripts reporting the results of experimental investigations conducted with humans must clearly state that the study protocol received institutional review board approval and that all participants provided informed consent in the format required by the relevant authorities and/or boards. Please reference the relevant review board(s) and approval code(s) here.